Calculate The Greatest Common Divisor Of Two Integers - C++

A small C++ function to calculate the greatest common divisor between two integers given by user inputs.

Greatest Common Divisor

The program calculates the greatest common divisor of two integers. Input can be positive or negative and the result is \(\pm 1\), if only \(\pm1\) is a common divisor.

// Created by Tobias on 2019-08-17.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int n1 = -45;
	int n2 = 454;
	int gcd = 0;
	int big = 0;
	int small = 0;
	int r = 0;
	int r2 = 0;
	int big_original = 0;
	int small_original = 0;
	if (n1 >= n2) {
		big = n1;
		small = n2;
	else {
		big = n2;
		small = n1;
	big_original = big;
	small_original = small;

	do {
		if (big % small == 0){
			r = 0;
			gcd = small;
		else {
			r = big % small;
			r2 = r;
			r = small % r2;
			big = r2;
			small = r;

	} while (r != 0);

	cout << "\tThe greatest common divisor of " << big_original << " and " << small_original << endl
		 << " " << "is " << gcd << endl;
	return 0;