Automation Using A Test Harness
For Deep Learning:
Part 1

Outlines the development and application of a custom test harness to optimize deep learning testing workflows. This approach enhances GPU utilization and accelerates model building and parameter testing, using the fastai library.

Part 1: Basic Automation For Deep Learning

How to create and use a custom test harness that automates many steps of the deep learning testing process. It lowers GPU idle time, lets one build more models, test more parameter combinations in less time. The fastai library for deep learning is used throughout this article.

We will explore how well a pretrained ResNet18/ResNet34 image classification model does on classifying two models, from a photo shoot I did a while ago. The target labels are ‘female’ and ‘male’ and the data was labeled by filename.

The preprocessing was done using Adobe Lightroom Classic, as the images were exported from Lightroom. A square crop was applied to the images, which resulted in the center of each image being what was left for the machine learning process. There were no individual adjustments made during the preprocessing. Finally, all images were resized to have dimensions of 224×224 pixels. Color space is ‘sRGB’.

Creating The DataBlock Item

The following code shows how the dataset was loaded into the notebook instance, and the target labels extracted. The DataBlock object is part of the fastai library. It can be found in the docs following this link: DataBlock Documentation.

from fastai.test_utils import *
from import *
from pathlib import Path
import fastcore
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import re

Path variable

Creating the Path variable that leads to the directory where the images are in. The Path variable has the class PosixPath, a path type found in pathlib Python library, pathlib Documentation.

path = Path("/datasets/")
Path.BASE_PATH = path
(#1) [Path('male_female')]
(path / "male_female").ls()[:5]
(#5) [Path('male_female/female_model--2.png'),Path('male_female/female_model-.png'),Path('male_female/female_model-1882.png'),Path('male_female/female_model-1883.png'),Path('male_female/female_model-1884.png')]

Sample Images

The images are from photo shoots I did for a model agency. The models are ‘teenagers’. I created the dataset from two of the shoots, where the male model and female model both had white t-shirts and blue jeans on. There are a number of poses included for both models and several similar ones. In particular, there are images where each one holds an iPhone in front of them and takes selfies.

There was no active image selection from my part and no image processing, apart from the raw conversion and the square crop that was applied the same way to all images.

The dataset has many ‘setup’ shots, where I adjusted the aperture, shutter speed and power of the strobe I used. As a result, there are images that are overexposed by two or even three stops, e.g., as can be seen in the center image of the grid below (Image[1]). A large portion of the image suffers from clipping. Images that are overexposed by that much have areas in the image, where all pixel values are completely white that means in RGB values \((255,255,255)\).

For the deep learning model that means that it has less raw input information for these images, when only looking at the information that can gained directly from a pixel.

These areas could end up being very valuable for the deep learning model, if there is a certain pattern to be found in these over exposed areas that is useful for classifying the images in ‘male’ model and ‘female’ model.


Image 1 - 9 random sample images that show images of both categories. The applied crop turns each image into a square image and its length is equal to the smaller dimension of the original image. The image in the center of the grid shows that 'setup shots', where the power of the strobe was adjusted for example, were included as well. Several images depict the model holding a cell phone.

Splitting Images By Filename

All images are found inside the ‘male_female’ directory, a subdirectory of the ‘datasets’ directory. From the filenames that were printed out, the structure used to attach the correct label to each image can be seen. For this binary image classification problem, the filenames contain the target label.

The variable fname is assigned to the list of images that contains all images. fname saved the Path variable, and not only the filename + extension. The next step separates the filename from its path and splits the images into two groups, the target labels ‘female’ and ‘male’.

fname = (path / "male_female").ls()
[Path('male_female/female_model--2.png'), Path('male_female/female_model-.png'), Path('male_female/female_model-1882.png'), Path('male_female/female_model-1883.png'), Path('male_female/female_model-1884.png')]
dd = {"ff": [], "fm": []}
for nn in fname:
    f ="((female_model|male_model)-[^.]*\.png$)", str(nn))
    if f != None:
        if == "female_model":

Working With Matched Portions

A dict dd is creating that has to keys: ff for found female and fm for found male. Both are assigned an empty list that appends the filename + extension for each match.

The regular expression uses, a function found in the standard Python library re. The main reason for this is that returns a match object that makes it easy to work with the matched strings. In this case f was assigned as the match object. If f is of type None, no filename was appended to either of the dictionary keys.

If type(f) != None is true, then f holds capture groups 1 and 2 that by design will hold:

Group 2 was used to assign each filename to one of the two lists, associated with the dictionary keys

The sample output shows how the items in group 1, labeled ‘female’ look like.

['female_model--2.png', 'female_model-.png', 'female_model-1882.png', 'female_model-1883.png', 'female_model-1884.png']

Analogously a sample of the items that get labeled ‘male’.

['male_model--10.png', 'male_model--2.png', 'male_model--3.png', 'male_model--4.png', 'male_model--5.png']

The lengths of the lists that hold the values to each of the two dictionary keys, are printed out to show the class distribution between the two classes.

The output below shows that the distribution between the classes is close to 50% for each class with the male class having 18 more samples, compared to the female class. The images used in this deep learning article were partly selected as to test whether around 400 images for each of the two classes would be enough when used in a transfer learning task.

A model using the ResNet architecture seemed as the first choice, as it was trained using general type images and is believed to generalize exceptionally well across a wide range of images.

print(f'Number of male matches: {len(dd["fm"])}')
print(f'Number of female matches: {len(dd["ff"])}')
Number of male matches: 434
Number of female matches: 416

Creation of the DataBlock object.

The DataBlock is created using the following items:

The portion of the pattern used to label the images is the beginning of the filename that can either be female or male. Because of the precedence rule, that is applied during a regex search, like the one here, the ordering of the characters to match is important. If male was put before female, like so r"(male|female)_model-[^.]*\.png$", there would be no matches for female at all, since ‘male’ as a substring of ‘female’ would match first. re.findall or the more appropriate function re.fullmatch would solve the problem as well.

mf = DataBlock(
    blocks=(ImageBlock, CategoryBlock),
    get_y=using_attr(RegexLabeller(r"(female|male)_model-[^.]*\.png$"), "name"),

Checking The DataBlock For Problems

Using the summary method on the newly created DataBlock to check for any errors that might be present.

The output of this command was included, since it gives insight into what steps a DataBlock performs, if no errors are raised.

Setting-up type transforms pipelines
Collecting items from /datasets
Found 850 items
2 datasets of sizes 680,170
Setting up Pipeline: PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: partial -> Categorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False}

Building one sample
  Pipeline: PILBase.create
    starting from
    applying PILBase.create gives
      PILImage mode=RGB size=224x224
  Pipeline: partial -> Categorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False}
    starting from
    applying partial gives
    applying Categorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False} gives

Final sample: (PILImage mode=RGB size=224x224, TensorCategory(1))

Collecting items from /datasets
Found 850 items
2 datasets of sizes 680,170
Setting up Pipeline: PILBase.create
Setting up Pipeline: partial -> Categorize -- {'vocab': None, 'sort': True, 'add_na': False}
Setting up after_item: Pipeline: ToTensor
Setting up before_batch: Pipeline:
Setting up after_batch: Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}

Building one batch
Applying item_tfms to the first sample:
  Pipeline: ToTensor
    starting from
      (PILImage mode=RGB size=224x224, TensorCategory(1))
    applying ToTensor gives
      (TensorImage of size 3x224x224, TensorCategory(1))

Adding the next 3 samples

No before_batch transform to apply

Collating items in a batch

Applying batch_tfms to the batch built
  Pipeline: IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1}
    starting from
      (TensorImage of size 4x3x224x224, TensorCategory([1, 1, 0, 0], device='cuda:0'))
    applying IntToFloatTensor -- {'div': 255.0, 'div_mask': 1} gives
      (TensorImage of size 4x3x224x224, TensorCategory([1, 1, 0, 0], device='cuda:0'))

No errors were detected and so the dataloaders object can be created from the DataBlock using the path to the dataset, and the chosen size of the validation dataset, given as a fraction of the total dataset. The dataloaders Documentation can be found following this link to its Documentation page: dataloaders Documentation.

Since the image count in this dataset is on the lower side, compared to some well known datasets, a high value for valid_pct of 40% of the total dataset is chosen to test right away, if there are any signs for overfitting found. Changing valid_pct did not show to produce differing prediction results on the validation set. The model’s predictions remained the same.

dls = mf.dataloaders(path, valid_pct=0.4)

Creating The Test Harness

List Of Parameter Combinations To Test

For this article, the following combinations of model, valid_pct and fine_tune were assessed. That meant, given 2 possible settings for each variable that a total of 8 configurations had to be tested. The metric used, is the error_rate for all setups.


model valid_pct fine_tune
resnet34 0.2 1
resnet34 0.2 2
resnet34 0.4 1
resnet34 0.4 2
resnet18 0.2 1
resnet18 0.2 2
resnet18 0.4 1
resnet18 0.4 2

Error Rate: What It Measures

The error rate measures the fraction of the predictions made by the model that are not correct. It takes the absolute number of incorrect predictions and divides them by the total number of predictions. If the result is supposed to be in percent, then the fracture has to be multiplied by 100. In the fastai library, the output of the error_rate (error_rate Documentation) is the raw fraction, not the percentage. Its numbers are the inverse of the accuracy metric. The formula of the error rate is:

\[\mathrm{Error\, Rate} := \frac{\mathrm{wrong\,predictions}}{\mathrm{total\,predictions}} 100 \iff 1\, -\, \mathrm{Accuracy}\]

Detailed Construction Of The Test Harness

Given that 8 different configurations in total have to be tested and logged (more on that later), it certainly is feasible to log everything manually. However, specifying each configuration manually and not logging the results using a single DataFrame that can append any number of structured empirical experiments, is neither scalable, nor reproducible. To create and log structured empirical experiments, a test harness is simply the best option.

The metrics to track are:

model - The specific model used in the configuration. This is either ResNet34 or ResNet18 in this case.

fine_tune - The number of epochs used for transfer learning of the pretrained model. This excludes the initial training epoch, where only the final layers are trained, and all other layers are frozen. In this case that is either 1 or 2 epoch(s).

valid_pct - Sets the percentage of the dataset that is not used for training, but only for validation. Given the relatively low total image count in this dataset, it is of interest to see what the results are using the default valid_pct of 0.2 are compared to a valid_pct of 0.4, double the default valid_pct. The samples in the validation set are unknown to the model and are only used once to gauge how well the model can predict the target label on unseen data.

The values collected for each configuration are:

train_loss and valid_loss - The loss function is ‘FlattenedLoss of CrossEntropyLoss’ for all configurations.

error_rate - The metric chosen to assess the model on the validation set, using a metric designed for human consumption.

I chose to create a test harness that automatically creates each configuration specified in the harness_input dictionary. It also logs the most important training values for each configuration. That is, the loss function and metric and saves it in a dictionary harness_output, which at the end is automatically converted to a pandas.DataFrame (df). The DataFrame needs no further processing, since it already fulfills the requirements of tidy data.

The way the logging was accomplished, using very limited knowledge of how CallBacks work in the fastai library (CallBacks Documentation) and what functions, methods overlap with the ones found in the PyTorch library and what PyTorch code can be used inside fastai.

There are two callbacks used for logging train_loss, valid_loss and error_rate for each setup and epoch. Using the cbs parameter, a list containing the two Callbacks TrainEvalCallback and Recorder was added to the instantiation call of the vision_learner object (vision_learner Documentation). In detail, the call to vision_learner looks as follows:


The dictionary harness_input has keys for all input parameters that will be tested and logged. Not all of its keys are used in this article. It is important not to wrap the values for harness['model'] in quotes, e.g., models.resnet34. The value is recognized as being a PyTorch function and will be accepted, when passed to the vision_learner creation. input_harness['valid_pct'] has a list of values for the valid_pct parameter, that should all be tested. harness_input['fine_tune'] specifies the number of epochs that should be used for training, after the initial fit one cycle epoch.

harness_input={'learner': [],'model': [], 'fine_tune': [],'lr': [], 'valid_pct': []}

Below are the key, value pairs for the parameters that are tested in the following.

harness_input['model'] = [models.resnet34, models.resnet18]
harness_input['valid_pct']= [0.2,0.4]
harness_input['fine_tune']= [1,2]

Calculation Of Test Setups

To rigorously test each parameter, only one parameter should be changed at a time.

That means that two out of the three parameters will remain the same from one setup to the next one. This description does not take into account ordering, but it gives the idea behind this empirical testing scheme. It guarantees that all three element long parameter combination tuples get tested.

The math behind calculating all combinations for any given number of parameters \(m\) that have a number of unique parameter values given by \(p_{i}\), for the \(i_{th}\) out of the total \(m\) parameters. Which can be interpreted as a vector of length \(m\), with each element the total number of parameter values for one of the parameters: \(\langle p_{1},..,p_{m}\rangle\)

Then, the total number of combinations that have to be tested is given by:

\[\mathrm{number\, of\, combinations}:=\prod_{i=1}^m p_{i}\]

In this case, the calculation is the following, using model, valid_pct and fine_tune, and their values from Table[1]:

\[2\times 2\times 2\, = \, 8\]

itertools.product does exactly that for us and will return a list of all the combinations of the input lists. See the sample output below.

setups = list(
        harness_input["model"], harness_input["valid_pct"], harness_input["fine_tune"]

(<function torchvision.models.resnet.resnet34(*, weights: Optional[torchvision.models.resnet.ResNet34_Weights] = None, progress: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> torchvision.models.resnet.ResNet>,

One can use list indexing to access the individual parameter values.


The output for each setup is logged in a dictionary that has keys for all parameters that are logged.

For each of the 8 setups, one row per epoch is used. With the setups that use 2 epochs using 2 rows. A column that shows, which setup and epoch the other columns belong to, is added in the form of column unique_setup.

The regular expressions used to match the exact name of the model was necessary, due to the model string not only showing the model as a string, but many other characters as well. E.g., see the setups[0] sample output above. The regular expressions used to capture the valid_pct and fine_tune strings could have been replaced with the actual values for these two parameters, using setup[1] and setup[2] as its values. I prefer the added flexibility that might come in handy, when using this logging framework on other problems. If it shows that there is no benefit to using regular expressions for this, then the direct assignment will be used instead.

The cbs=[TrainEvalCallback,Recorder] in the vision_learner assignment was necessary, since recorder kept throwing an error after the first loop. E.g.,

TypeError: Exception occurred in Recorder when calling event after_batch: ‘float’ object is not callable

Adding TrainEvalCallback to the list of cbs solved the issue. The plot_loss function, while it could be useful in theory, does not add much insight into which setup performed well or bad. I found no way to add custom labels to the line plot and so there is no telling, which lines represent a given setup in image[2].

harness_output = {
    "unique_setup": [],
    "model": [],
    "fine_tune": [],
    "valid_pct": [],
    "train_loss": [],
    "valid_loss": [],
    "error_rate": [],
    "lr": [],
w = 0
for setup in setups:
    for tu in range(0,setup[2]):
        harness_output['unique_setup'].append(str(w) + str('-') +str(tu))'(resnet\d{2})',str(setup[0]),flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    w += 1
Image[2]: Changes in the loss function. Plot shows that additional parameters need to be specified, in order to make this plot of any use.

The final DataFrame is created from the harness_output dictionary. Its columns are the keys of the dictionary, with each row holding all the data for one epoch.

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(harness_output)
unique_setup model fine_tune valid_pct train_loss valid_loss error_rate lr
0 0-0 resnet34 1 0.2 0.048804 0.002172 0.000000 0.001
1 1-0 resnet34 2 0.2 0.066204 0.000746 0.000000 0.001
2 1-1 resnet34 2 0.2 0.053110 0.002471 0.000000 0.001
3 2-0 resnet34 1 0.4 0.060802 0.001054 0.000000 0.001
4 3-0 resnet34 2 0.4 0.071246 0.001824 0.000000 0.001
5 3-1 resnet34 2 0.4 0.062736 0.001016 0.000000 0.001
6 4-0 resnet18 1 0.2 0.056334 0.005576 0.000000 0.001
7 5-0 resnet18 2 0.2 0.047683 0.003617 0.000000 0.001
8 5-1 resnet18 2 0.2 0.068953 0.023827 0.011765 0.001
9 6-0 resnet18 1 0.4 0.055616 0.012279 0.005882 0.001
10 7-0 resnet18 2 0.4 0.060576 0.003479 0.000000 0.001
11 7-1 resnet18 2 0.4 0.078422 0.010864 0.005882 0.001

Summary & Next Steps

The fastai library holds some incredibly powerful tools that can be easily used to create production ready models. It was only because of the pretrained models, that the fastai library has to offer that a model could be created that in almost all the tested setups has an impeccable error_rate of 0 on the validation dataset.

In this article, we went from raw images, to creating a Path object that points at the image files. Using the RegexLabeller, we labeled the images by extracting the labels from the filenames. With that, we first created a DataBlock and from that a dataloaders object.

This made it possible for us to instantiate a vision_learner object that used one of two ResNet architecture variants. The list of setups was created, setups were built and logged. At this point we have a tidy DataFrame with all the logged data.

In Part 2, we analyze the logged data in the DataFrame and build more combinations (Batch No. 2) to answer our questions that we have after analyzing the DataFrame with the results of Batch No. 1.