Automation Using A Test Harness
For Deep Learning:
Part 2

Continuation of the series, delving into empirical experimentation using fastai on a unique dataset. This segment focuses on handling a small dataset with 850 images and two target labels, demonstrating advanced image data handling and classification skills.

Part 2: Analyzing The Results

In Part 2 of this series, explore how the fastai deep learning library can be employed to conduct structured empirical experiments on a novel, small dataset consisting of 850 images with a nearly uniform distribution of target labels, “male” and “female”.

Batch No. 1

This article is the sequel to Batch No. 1. Here we look at the data logged during the testing of the first batch in the series. Everything leading up to where we start in this article is found in the first article Part 1: Basic Automation For Deep Learning.

The Imports

We will need pandas to work with the tabular data that is stored in a CSV file. Pandas is needed for most of the analyzing done. One can find information on the commands used in the following, by looking at the pandas docs: API reference — pandas 1.4.3 documentation

The pyjanitor library (imported as janitor) adds quality of life improvements in the form of convenient wrappers for common pandas functions and methods. These are mainly used for cleaning tabular data stored in a pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series.

The pyjanitor library does so, by using method chaining, inspired by the R package called janitor. Follow the link, for more information, including the docs of this library: pyjanitor documentation

From matplotlib, we import pyplot. Pyplot is a general tool for plotting and visualizing data in Python. The docs can be found here: API Reference — Matplotlib 3.5.2 documentation

Various parts of the fastai library are used throughout the following. One can find its docs following this link: fastai - Welcome to fastai

import itertools
import fastai
from import *
import fastcore
from fastai.test_utils import *
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import re
import ipywidgets
import pandas as pd
import janitor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Importing The CSV File

The first thing to do, is to import the DataFrame that holds the results from the first series of experiments that we conducted in the first article. Batch No. 1 is how we will refer to them in the following.

df = pd.read_csv("batch1-df.csv")
Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'unique_setup', 'model', 'fine_tune', 'valid_pct',
       'train_loss', 'valid_loss', 'error_rate', 'lr'],

Initial Look At The DataFrame

Looking at the output of the df.columns command for the data from the first batch, we can see that there is one column named Unnamed: 0. This column is always the first one when importing any CSV file that was exported to CSV using pandas.DataFrame.to_csv without specifying index=False.

Table 1 Column unique_setup gives the unique setups whether there are one or two epochs of fine_tune for each of the setups. Further details for every setup, as well as performance metrics can be found in the corresponding columns.
Unnamed: 0 unique_setup model fine_tune valid_pct train_loss valid_loss error_rate lr
0 0 0-0 resnet34 1 0.2 0.068911 0.000718 0.000000 0.001
1 1 1-0 resnet34 2 0.2 0.085328 0.006074 0.000000 0.001
2 2 1-1 resnet34 2 0.2 0.046834 0.000495 0.000000 0.001
3 3 2-0 resnet34 1 0.4 0.073126 0.003532 0.000000 0.001
4 4 3-0 resnet34 2 0.4 0.049529 0.002324 0.000000 0.001
5 5 3-1 resnet34 2 0.4 0.047148 0.001684 0.000000 0.001
6 6 4-0 resnet18 1 0.2 0.041904 0.002066 0.000000 0.001
7 7 5-0 resnet18 2 0.2 0.067504 0.031245 0.011765 0.001
8 8 5-1 resnet18 2 0.2 0.058283 0.014664 0.011765 0.001
9 9 6-0 resnet18 1 0.4 0.060523 0.006704 0.005882 0.001
10 10 7-0 resnet18 2 0.4 0.037862 0.009111 0.005882 0.001
11 11 7-1 resnet18 2 0.4 0.078054 0.008371 0.005882 0.001

Dropping Columns That Are Not Needed

The Unnamed: 0 column is dropped, as discussed and along with it, columns unique_setup, lr, and train_loss as well.

Unique setup is no longer needed, since we know, which rows belong to one epoch setups (these have fine_tune=1) and, which to two epoch setups (fine_tune=2). This can be found looking at the column fine_tune.

The learning rate parameter was not touched during the experiments and so all values for learning rate (lr) are the default value of 0.001.

train_loss is not needed, since we are only interested in the performance of the model on the validation set, not on the training set. The loss on the validation set after each epoch relative to the error rate on the validation set is what we are interested in.

df = df.remove_columns(column_names=["Unnamed: 0", "unique_setup", "lr", "train_loss"])

The result is a leaner version of the initial df. There is one more step to complete thought, for the DataFrame to be ready for analysis.

Dropping Rows That Are Not Needed

As can be seen by looking at the index of the DataFrame (very first column with integer values from 0 to 11), there are a total of 12 rows in the DataFrame right now. However, there were only 8 different setups that were created in total. The additional 4 rows come from the setups that use a fine_tune value of 2. The first epoch of all setups with fine_tune == 2 is of no interest to us, and so we only keep the second epoch for these setups. The results of the first epoch for these setups can not be compared to the first epoch of any setup that uses fine_tune == 1, since it is the final epoch for the latter, but not for the one using fine_tune==2. Therefore, only the second occurrence of value 2 is kept for all rows that have value 2 in two consecutive rows.

This concludes the initial cleaning of the DataFrame. Please see the output below, for the lines of code used to clean the DataFrame.

rows = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11]
df = df.iloc[rows].reset_index(drop=True)
Table 2 A slimmer version of Table 1.
model fine_tune valid_pct valid_loss error_rate
0 resnet34 1 0.2 0.000718 0.000000
1 resnet34 2 0.2 0.000495 0.000000
2 resnet34 1 0.4 0.003532 0.000000
3 resnet34 2 0.4 0.001684 0.000000
4 resnet18 1 0.2 0.002066 0.000000
5 resnet18 2 0.2 0.014664 0.011765
6 resnet18 1 0.4 0.006704 0.005882
7 resnet18 2 0.4 0.008371 0.005882

Observations From Looking At The DataFrame

It becomes obvious by looking at the DataFrame that for 3 out of the 4 tested setups that use resnet18 as model, the error_rate (on the validation set) is larger than 0. The worst recorded error rate is given for the following configuration in the output below. We will come to the error rate for the resnet34 configurations in a little.

df.filter_on('error_rate > 0.008', complement=False)
model fine_tune valid_pct valid_loss error_rate
5 resnet18 2 0.2 0.014664 0.011765

Grouping The Data

With the DataFrame only having the essential columns now, the analysis can start. Pandas offers a method that can be applied to any pandas.DataFrame and pandas.Series object for analysis.

The first group call splits the data by distinct values of the model column. It returns the minimum value grouped by corresponding unique values for each of the other columns in the DataFrame. The only columns of interest, given this groupby call, are the error_rate and the valid_loss.

It should be kept in mind that the input values used here come from a small sample, both in number of images in total and model combinations assessed. Essentially, we look for correlations in the data, which would require further testing. Nonetheless, analyzing and looking for patterns, as done here, in the results is always possible.

gb = df.groupby(by="model")
fine_tune valid_pct valid_loss error_rate
resnet18 1.5 0.3 0.007538 0.005882
resnet34 1.5 0.3 0.001201 0.000000

Interestingly, the median (to understand what it is and its difference to the average/mean metric: Median - Wikipedia) of valid_loss for both models is within the same order of magnitude. The resnet34 still has the edge over the resnet18 when it comes to the valid_loss.

Another interesting observation however is that the median of the error_rate on the validation dataset is 0. That means that there is no setup in which the resnet34 was used, with an error rate other than 0. That is very intriguing, since it is the deeper model of the two and suggests that the added depth, equivalent to the added layers in this instance is beneficial to the model’s performance.

Let us look at the resnet34 in more detail then.

gb = (
    df.filter_string(column_name="model", search_string="34")
valid_pct  model     fine_tune  valid_loss  error_rate
0.2        resnet34  1          0.000718    0.0           1
                     2          0.000495    0.0           1
0.4        resnet34  1          0.003532    0.0           1
                     2          0.001684    0.0           1
dtype: int64

The output shows that a validation percentage of 40 percent caused a higher loss on the validation set, compared to the lower and default 20 percent value. The difference is one order of magnitude. That is the only difference between valid_pct of 0.2 and 0.4.

Another observation worth mentioning is that a fine_tune value of two as opposed to one, gives a slightly lower loss on the validation set. The difference however is within the same order of magnitude and therefore this finding might not be confirmed when conducting further empirical experiments.

This is about as much, as the small initial experiments on my teenager models dataset can deliver in understanding how the different setups affect the final results.

Summary: Batch No. 1

The Good

Overall, the results of most of the combinations tested are almost too good to be true. With most having a final error rate of 0 on the validation set.

The Bad

I say too good to be true, in hindsight of the possibility that all the tested models might have severe problems to predict the target label, when being shown an out of sample image set of the two models. Images where the models are photographed in many other poses, scenes, lighting, just to name a few that come to mind.

The Solution

In general, we try to get an idea of how the models’ performance will be on unseen data, try to challenge it by using cross validation techniques.

While there is no solution that can rule out all of these uncertainties, there is something that can be tested given this dataset.

Test different seeds for the RandomSplitter parameter, used in the initialization of the DataBlock object. A seed of 42 was used throughout the experiments, summarized in this article as (batch 1). A different seed could lead to a different split, which in turn could give a different sample of images used for training and testing.

Adhering to the principle of only change one parameter at a time, when conducting structured empirical experiments, only parameter split_seed was changed during the testing of batch no. 2 and its results analyzed.

Batch No. 2

The following links lead to the documentation pages of the most important objects and callbacks used throughout this article. They are all part of the fastai deep learning library.

DataBlock fastai - Data block tutorial


vision_learner fastai - Vision learner

fine_tune fastai - Hyperparam schedule

For batch 2, we only need two of the libraries that we imported for batch 1 earlier. Please see the beginning of this article for descriptions of the imported libraries.

import pandas as pd
import janitor

CSV To DataFrame

We load the DataFrame, using the alias df and drop the columns that we don’t need in the following (see batch 1 for more details).

df = pd.read_csv("csv/df-batch2.csv")

df = df.remove_columns(column_names=["Unnamed: 0", "lr", "train_loss", "valid_loss"])
setup epochs model fine_tune valid_pct error_rate split_seed
0 0 1 resnet34 1 0.2 0.000000 8
1 1 1 resnet34 1 0.2 0.000000 23
2 2 1 resnet34 1 0.2 0.000000 42
3 3 1 resnet34 1 0.2 0.000000 7
4 4 2 resnet34 2 0.2 0.000000 8
5 5 2 resnet34 2 0.2 0.000000 23
6 6 2 resnet34 2 0.2 0.000000 42
7 7 2 resnet34 2 0.2 0.000000 7
8 8 1 resnet34 1 0.4 0.000000 8
9 9 1 resnet34 1 0.4 0.000000 23
10 10 1 resnet34 1 0.4 0.000000 42
11 11 1 resnet34 1 0.4 0.000000 7
12 12 2 resnet34 2 0.4 0.000000 8
13 13 2 resnet34 2 0.4 0.005882 23
14 14 2 resnet34 2 0.4 0.000000 42
15 15 2 resnet34 2 0.4 0.000000 7
16 16 1 resnet18 1 0.2 0.000000 8
17 17 1 resnet18 1 0.2 0.000000 23
18 18 1 resnet18 1 0.2 0.005882 42
19 19 1 resnet18 1 0.2 0.000000 7
20 20 2 resnet18 2 0.2 0.000000 8
21 21 2 resnet18 2 0.2 0.000000 23
22 22 2 resnet18 2 0.2 0.005882 42
23 23 2 resnet18 2 0.2 0.011765 7
24 24 1 resnet18 1 0.4 0.005882 8
25 25 1 resnet18 1 0.4 0.000000 23
26 26 1 resnet18 1 0.4 0.011765 42
27 27 1 resnet18 1 0.4 0.005882 7
28 28 2 resnet18 2 0.4 0.000000 8
29 29 2 resnet18 2 0.4 0.000000 23
30 30 2 resnet18 2 0.4 0.005882 42
31 31 2 resnet18 2 0.4 0.000000 7

Creation Of The DataFrame For Analysis

The steps taken to create the DataFrame used to analyze the results are, in this order:

  1. Only use a subset of columns: df[["split_seed","model","error_rate"]]. The output is a DataFrame again.

  2. Group the remaining ‘error_rate’ column by ‘split_seed’ and ‘model’.

  3. Aggregate ‘error_column’ by median, mean and standard deviation.

  4. Finally, sort the resulting DataFrame by the values in the ('error_rate','mean') column (multi-index) in ascending order.

gb = (
    df[["split_seed", "model", "error_rate"]]
    .groupby(by=["split_seed", "model"])
    .agg(["median", "mean", "std"])
    .sort_values(by=("error_rate", "mean"))
median mean std
split_seed model
7 resnet34 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
8 resnet34 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
23 resnet18 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
42 resnet34 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
8 resnet18 0.000000 0.001471 0.002941
23 resnet34 0.000000 0.001471 0.002941
7 resnet18 0.002941 0.004412 0.005632
42 resnet18 0.005882 0.007353 0.002941

Grouped By split_seed And model

Splitting by columns split_seed and model gives an array with 8 rows. We only care about the median, mean, minimum and maximum value for column error_rate, since this is the final metric, and the most important one overall.

Overall, the values in the array show that the deeper resnet34 model has a lower median and mean value in three out of the four logged cases. The only occurrence where this is not true, is the setup that uses split_seed = 23. This could hint at the train/test split being an important element for the models’ performance on unseen data. It could negatively affect the models’ performance on out of sample data. This concern was mentioned earlier already and given these results, remains relevant. It is not possible to quantify the uncertainty surrounding the model’s performance on unseen data, data that is not part of this data set (neither in the train, nor the test split). Overall, both models perform extremely well, regardless of the values for split_seed.

Testing even more values for split_seed would be something that could be tested in the pursuit of us generating enough data, to be able to use probabilistic reasoning, to quantify the uncertainty using probabilistic measures. E.g., re sampling, kernel density estimation, Bayesian probability.

The Worst Accuracy: 99.3 Percent

This binary image classification problem showed that both models, both pretrained variants of the ResNet architecture are capable of at least nearly flawless and often even completely flawless performance on the test set.

The 34 layer deep variant outclassed its 18 layer deep brother in three out of the four cases. It was the split_seed that made the difference in the single instance, where the 18 layer ResNet version edged out the 34 layer deep version.

To put it into perspective, we compute the accuracy for all rows as fractions of all predictions made on the test set, sorted as above in the output of groupby are:

gb[("error_rate", "mean")].apply(lambda x: 1 - x)
split_seed  model   
7           resnet34    1.000000
8           resnet34    1.000000
23          resnet18    1.000000
42          resnet34    1.000000
8           resnet18    0.998529
23          resnet34    0.998529
7           resnet18    0.995588
42          resnet18    0.992647
Name: (error_rate, mean), dtype: float64

It shows that even the worst performing model has an accuracy greater 99% on the test data.

The performance of the models was so good that there was not much that could be optimized. Nonetheless, the testing showed that the choice of how to split the data into train and test split could be an issue, when the model has to predict out of sample images. Solutions to try, in order to be able quantify the likelihood of either of the two models performing in a certain way on unseen data was discussed at the end of section: Grouped By split_seed And model

Summary: Batch No. 1 & 2

In Batch No. 1 we covered everything, from loading the images into a DataBlock object, to the creation of a dataloaders object and then initializing a vision_learner object that is ready for the transfer learning process. The transfer learning was done by using method fine_tune.

All unique parameter combinations were calculated and each one was saved as a tuple.

At this point, the focus was on creating two test harnesses:

The first harness has dictionary keys for each parameter that is tested during the structured empirical experiments. The values for each parameter that is tested are given as elements of a list for each key.

The output harness logged the test results for each setup and was converted to a tidy DataFrame at the end.

The results were analyzed using the pandas library.

With the insights from analyzing the results of Batch No. 1, the process was repeated once more during part 2: Batch No. 2. More values for the parameter of interest (split_seed) were added and included in the output_harness and analyzed.

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