PyJanitor Proficiency: Efficient String Data Cleaning, Part 2

Demonstrates my proficiency with pyjanitor in streamlining string data cleaning. This installment details method chaining and advanced string manipulation techniques for optimizing data preprocessing.

PyJanitor Proficiency: Efficient String Data Cleaning, Part 2

This article demonstrates my proficiency with pyjanitor in streamlining string data cleaning. This installment details method chaining and advanced string manipulation techniques for optimizing data preprocessing. It showcases how cleaning a CSV file using pandas, numpy, re and the pyjanitor (imported under the name janitor) modules can be achieved.

Some outputs are shortened for readability.

Mastery in Pandas: In-Depth Data Exploration, Part 1
PyJanitor Proficiency: Efficient String Data Cleaning, Part 2
Geospatial Engineering in Pandas: Creating Valid GPS Columns, Part 3
Advanced Data Cleaning and Validation: Batch Processing with Pandas, Part 4

Summary Of The Series

This series demonstrates my deep expertise in pandas and pyjanitor for advanced data exploration and cleaning. In Part 1, “Mastery in Pandas: In-Depth Data Exploration, Part 1,” a 47-column dataset is analyzed to showcase complex tabular data management. Dimensionality reduction techniques are applied to retain only relevant columns. Part 2, “PyJanitor Proficiency: Efficient String Data Cleaning, Part 2,” leverages pyjanitor’s method chaining syntax to enhance the speed and efficiency of string data cleaning. The focus is on unique column values to guide the cleaning steps.

Regular expressions (regex) are extensively used in Part 4, “Advanced Data Cleaning and Validation: Batch Processing with Pandas, Part 4,” for extracting and validating cell contents, replacing invalid patterns with valid ones. Additionally, this part emphasizes handling large volumes of tabular data through batch processing. Part 3, “Geospatial Engineering in Pandas: Creating Valid GPS Columns, Part 3,” highlights the creation and validation of Point geometry gps columns by merging longitude and latitude fields into GPS data columns. The series culminates with the creation of new timedelta64[ns] time_listed and gps columns, illustrating advanced data cleaning and validation techniques.

We begin by importing the needed libraries and modules.

import re  # Python built-in regular expression library.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import janitor

seed = 42  # Random seed, to give repeatable random output.

Reading In The DataFrame From Previous Steps

A value we alter, compared to its default value is the following:


In addition to the new label (np.nan) for missing values that we applied at the end of the previous step we can see that ‘[]’ marks missing values in any of the columns, with a ‘json_’ prefix. By marking ‘[]’ values as NaN values we can skip a lot of column by column reassignments later for missing values, not recognized as such. The ‘[]’, marking missing values, comes from the design of the web scraping algorithm that appended an empty list, if there was no value for a variable.

The names of most of the columns are changed, in order for column names to be English. Names of columns with boolean values are altered to mark these columns with only boolean values. Columns without a json_ prefix that have a json_ counterpart have their names aligned with the one of their counterpart.

df = (
                na_values=["np.nan", "[]"],
            .rename_column("einbau_kue", "bfitted_kitchen")
            .rename_column("lift", "belevator")
            .rename_column("nebenkosten", "auxiliary_costs")
            .rename_column("gesamt_miete", "total_rent")
            .rename_column("heiz_kosten", "heating_costs")
            .rename_column("str", "street-number")
            .rename_column("nutzf", "floor_space")
            .rename_column("regio", "pc_city_quarter")
            .rename_column("online_since", "date_listed")
            .rename_column("baujahr", "yoc")
            .rename_column("objekt_zustand", "object_condition")
            .rename_column("heizungsart", "heating_type")
            .rename_column("wesent_energietr", "main_es")
            .rename_column("endenergiebedarf", "total_energy_need")
            .rename_column("kaltmiete", "base_rent")
            .rename_column("quadratmeter", "square_meters")
            .rename_column("anzahl_zimmer", "no_rooms")
            .rename_column("balkon/terasse", "bbalcony")
            .rename_column("keller", "cellar")
            .rename_column("typ", "type")
            .rename_column("etage", "floor")
            .rename_column("anz_schlafzimmer", "no_bedrooms")
            .rename_column("anz_badezimmer", "no_bathrooms")
            .rename_column("haustiere", "bpets_allowed")
            .rename_column("nicht_mehr_verfg_seit", "date_unlisted")
            .rename_column("json_heatingType", "json_heating_type")
            .rename_column("json_totalRent", "json_total_rent")
            .rename_column("json_yearConstructed", "json_yoc")
            .rename_column("json_firingTypes", "json_main_es")
            .rename_column("json_hasKitchen", "json_bfitted_kitchen")
            .rename_column("json_yearConstructedRange", "json_const_time")
            .rename_column("json_baseRent", "json_base_rent")
            .rename_column("json_livingSpace", "json_square_meters")
            .rename_column("json_condition", "json_object_condition")
            .rename_column("json_petsAllowed", "json_bpets_allowed")
            .rename_column("json_lift", "json_belevator")
            .clean_names()  # make all column names lower-case, replace space with underscore.
            .remove_empty()  # Drop rows that only have missing values.

Checking Data Types Of The Columns

The output shows us that only 2 columns are of type numeric. After the cleaning process, the columns will all have the correct data type (dtype). The dtype, of the cleaned values in each column. All columns that have a json prefix and a counterpart amongst the non json columns, are likely to hold the same data as their counterparts. The columns with a json prefix were mainly scraped to validate the data in their counterparts. The goal is to be efficient in comparing json_, non json_ column values.

Some columns will not have their ‘correct’ dtypes assigned to them in this article. This comes from the fact that to assign certain dtypes there must not be any missing values present for all rows of the column. We do not impute any missing values here, nor do we drop a large amount of rows, to get a DataFrame without any missing values. Except for the Longitude (lng) and Latitude(lng) columns, as they are some of the most important columns in the dataset.

The reason being that we have no knowledge in regard to the ‘correct’ replacement value for any of the missing values. Which of the techniques is used to impute missing data, is tied to the model choice and the results that a model delivers, given the applied imputation method.

This applies to the decision of dropping a certain amount of rows, in order to remove missing values in the key columns as well. That is, the ones that are most important for the model performance. Therefore, imputation and the decision whether to drop rows and or columns must be evaluated in the greater context of the predictive modeling problem at hand.

We get the number of columns in the dataset.


Column names are dtypes of columns are checked. Column names should all be lower-case and should not contain any spaces. The names all look fine.

                              type  count  pct_missing description
bfitted_kitchen             object   8024     0.348913            
belevator                   object   2975     0.758601            
auxiliary_costs             object  12324     0.000000            
total_rent                  object  12324     0.000000            
heating_costs               object  12324     0.000000            
lat                         object   9423     0.235394            
lng                         object   9423     0.235394            
street_number               object   9482     0.230607            
floor_space                 object   1185     0.903846            
pc_city_quarter             object  12324     0.000000            
parking                     object   3187     0.741399            
date_listed                 object  12324     0.000000            
yoc                         object  11342     0.079682            
object_condition            object   7810     0.366277            
heating_type                object   9526     0.227037            
main_es                     object   9930     0.194255            
total_energy_need           object   3771     0.694012            
base_rent                   object  12324     0.000000            
square_meters               object  12324     0.000000            
no_rooms                    object  12324     0.000000            
bbalcony                    object   8526     0.308179            
cellar                      object   6337     0.485800            
type                        object   9703     0.212674            
floor                       object   9737     0.209916            
no_bedrooms                float64   6469     0.475089            
no_bathrooms               float64   7317     0.406280            
bpets_allowed               object   3914     0.682408            
date_unlisted               object  11629     0.056394            
json_heating_type           object   9968     0.191172            
json_balcony                object  12324     0.000000            
json_electricitybaseprice   object  12321     0.000243            
json_picturecount           object  12324     0.000000            
json_telekomdownloadspeed   object  11626     0.056637            
json_telekomuploadspeed     object  11626     0.056637            
json_total_rent             object  11220     0.089581            
json_yoc                    object  11137     0.096316            
json_electricitykwhprice    object  12321     0.000243            
json_main_es                object  11504     0.066537            
json_bfitted_kitchen        object  12324     0.000000            
json_cellar                 object  12324     0.000000            
json_const_time             object  11137     0.096316            
json_base_rent              object  12324     0.000000            
json_square_meters          object  11762     0.045602            
json_object_condition       object  12324     0.000000            
json_interiorqual           object  12324     0.000000            
json_bpets_allowed          object  12324     0.000000            
json_belevator              object  12324     0.000000            

Columns With Little Information

We get an overview of the number of unique values for each column in the DataFrame.

va = []
for key, val in np.ndenumerate(df.columns.tolist()):
va = pd.Series(data=va, index=df.columns)

The 5 columns with the fewest unique values are all boolean dtype columns. This was to be expected, however it does not mean that little information is found in these columns.

print(f"The columns with the 5 smallest nunique values are:\n{va.nsmallest(5)}")
The columns with the 5 smallest nunique values are:
bfitted_kitchen    1
belevator          1
bbalcony           1
cellar             1
json_balcony       2
dtype: int64

Boolean type columns are marked by prepending character b to the column name, after any json_ substring in the column name. The values for boolean type columns are expected to have 2 unique values, once cleaned. It has to be checked, which boolean columns have valid values, 2 unique values. These have certain characteristics, as shown below.

Columns that are dropped, looking at the output from the following cells, are:

Both columns only have 3 unique values (not including any missing values) and one value is found in all but 183 of the 12324 listings. That is an electricity base price of 90.76 Eur. for 12138 listing, leaving 183 that have a lower base price of 71.43 Eur.

Show the available internet speeds from provider Telekom. The download and upload speeds of internet provider Telekom are the same for around $\frac{2}{3}$ of all listings. Upload and download speeds have the same distribution and so likely have a perfect positive correlation with each other, making one redundant. json_telekomdownloadspeed is kept for further evaluation.

        f"Sorted nunique values, in ascending order:\n\n{va.sort_values(axis=0, ascending=True)}"
Sorted nunique values, in ascending order:

bfitted_kitchen                 1
belevator                       1
cellar                          1
bbalcony                        1
json_cellar                     2
json_bfitted_kitchen            2
json_electricitybaseprice       2
json_balcony                    2
json_belevator                  2
json_electricitykwhprice        3
bpets_allowed                   3
json_bpets_allowed              4
json_interiorqual               5
no_bathrooms                    5
json_telekomuploadspeed         6
json_telekomdownloadspeed       6
no_bedrooms                     8
object_condition                9
json_const_time                 9
json_object_condition          10
type                           10
heating_type                   12
json_heating_type              13
json_main_es                   14
no_rooms                       19
parking                        32
main_es                        37
json_picturecount              47
floor                         120
json_yoc                      155
yoc                           156
floor_space                   349
date_unlisted                 701
pc_city_quarter               752
date_listed                   801
total_energy_need            1019
heating_costs                1530
auxiliary_costs              2352
json_square_meters           2725
square_meters                3136
base_rent                    4112
json_base_rent               4112
json_total_rent              4369
total_rent                   5191
street_number                5724
lat                          5729
lng                          5729
dtype: int64
fv = [
for key in fv:
['"obj_electricityBasePrice":"90.76"']    12138
['"obj_electricityBasePrice":"71.43"']      183
Name: json_electricitybaseprice, dtype: int64

['"obj_electricityKwhPrice":"0.1985"']    12137
['"obj_electricityKwhPrice":"0.2205"']      183
['"obj_electricityKwhPrice":"0.2195"']        1
Name: json_electricitykwhprice, dtype: int64

['"obj_telekomDownloadSpeed":"100 MBit/s"']    8208
['"obj_telekomDownloadSpeed":"50 MBit/s"']     2756
['"obj_telekomDownloadSpeed":"16 MBit/s"']      605
['"obj_telekomDownloadSpeed":"25 MBit/s"']       48
['"obj_telekomDownloadSpeed":"200 MBit/s"']       5
['"obj_telekomDownloadSpeed":"6 MBit/s"']         4
Name: json_telekomdownloadspeed, dtype: int64

['"obj_telekomUploadSpeed":"40 MBit/s"']     8208
['"obj_telekomUploadSpeed":"10 MBit/s"']     2756
['"obj_telekomUploadSpeed":"2,4 MBit/s"']     600
['"obj_telekomUploadSpeed":"5 MBit/s"']        48
['"obj_telekomUploadSpeed":"1 MBit/s"']         9
['"obj_telekomUploadSpeed":"100 MBit/s"']       5
Name: json_telekomuploadspeed, dtype: int64
df.drop(columns=[col for col in fv if col != "json_telekomdownloadspeed"], inplace=True)

Has Fitted Kitchen - Bool

The value, generated from scraping the visible listing might suggest that about 4000 missing values are found in this column. However, one can argue that there is reason to look at it differently. The json_bfitted_kitchen values show, how the company the that runs the immoscout24 portal thinks of it. The json data is not visible to the visitor, it summarizes the listings values and holds many more that are not visible to the visitor.

They have assigned the boolean value of ‘no’ (n) to the missing values found in the bfitted_kitchen column. If one substitutes the missing values with the values in the json_bfitted_kitchen column that have the same row index, the columns are the same. Another reason not to drop the column is that a listing with a fitted kitchen will usually be a value adding feature that increases the market value of the listing compared to listings without a fitted kitchen. The reason being that a listing without a fitted kitchen will typically mean that the tenant will have to buy a kitchen for the apartment. The costs of buying a kitchen are high, plus the fact that a kitchen is often custom-made to fit the space of the specific kitchen and thus can not be moved to another apartment.

This gives enough reason to fill the rows that have missing values in bfitted_kitchen with ‘0’ - does not have a fitted kitchen.

Comparing Values of bfitted_kitchen and json_bfitted_kitchen

The show the same value count for listing has a fitted kitchen. The number of NaN values in column bfitted_kitchen is equivalent to the value count of value ['"obj_hasKitchen":"n"'] in the json_bfitted_kitchen column. We use the values of json_bfitted_kitchen to fill the missing values in column bfitted_kitchen. We will see that all no row in bfitted_kitchen has an NaN value anymore.

        f"value_counts for bfitted_kitchen:\n{df['bfitted_kitchen'].value_counts()},\n\n json_bfitted_kitchen:\n{df['json_bfitted_kitchen'].value_counts()}"
value_counts for bfitted_kitchen:
Einbauküche    8024
Name: bfitted_kitchen, dtype: int64,

['"obj_hasKitchen":"y"']    8024
['"obj_hasKitchen":"n"']    4300
Name: json_bfitted_kitchen, dtype: int64

Has Elevator - Bool

With the same reasoning that led to the decision to not drop the bfitted_kitchen column, the missing values in the elevator colum are replaced with 0.

df = (
            column_names=["bfitted_kitchen", "belevator"], value=0
                "Einbauküche": 1
                "Personenaufzug": 1

1    0.651087
0    0.348913
Name: bfitted_kitchen, dtype: float64
0    0.758601
1    0.241399
Name: belevator, dtype: float64

Auxiliary Costs & Total Rent

We focus on how to efficiently clean and validate the values in the auxiliary_costs column. There are several problems in this column, as the output below shows. The total_rent column needs similar cleaning steps as auxiliary_costs and so both a processed together in the following.

[s for s in df.auxiliary_costs if re.match("[^\d,.]+", str(s))][0:10]
['  190,84  ',
 '  117,95  ',
 '  249,83  ',
 '  70  ',
 '  213,33  ',
 '  150  ',
 '  145  ',
 '  250  ',
 '  100  ',
 '  50  ']

There are 2352 rows in the auxiliary_costs column that have character classes other than:

These 3 characters are the only ones that should be present in the colum for non-missing values.

bb = [u for u in df.auxiliary_costs.unique() if re.match(r"[^\d,.]", str(u))]

No recognized NaN values in the column. We create a copy of the auxiliary_costs column, before cleaning its values. The reason for this, is that NaN values showed after the cleaning step.

no_na_auxil_df = df[["auxiliary_costs"]]

lov = df["auxiliary_costs"][df.auxiliary_costs.isna()]
Series([], Name: auxiliary_costs, dtype: object)

No string values that represent missing values, but label ‘keine Angabe’, which is equivalent to NaN. This only became obvious after the cleaning steps, since all alphabetic characters were dropped during the cleaning, leaving rows with ‘keine Angabe’ entries empty. Pandas in turn assigned NaN values to these rows.

lov = df['auxiliary_costs'][df['auxiliary_costs'].str.contains(pat=r"[a-zA-Z\\s]+") == True][0:10]
160       keine Angabe
657       keine Angabe
766       keine Angabe
788       keine Angabe
905       keine Angabe
1027      keine Angabe
1188      keine Angabe
1250      keine Angabe
1407      keine Angabe
1414      keine Angabe
Name: auxiliary_costs, dtype: object

No rows that don’t have at least one numerical value.

ltv = df['total_rent'][df['total_rent'].str.contains(pat=r"\A[^\d]\Z") == True]
Series([], Name: total_rent, dtype: object)

There are no recognized missing values in column total_rent prior to cleaning.

False    12324
Name: total_rent, dtype: int64

Unique Values

The unique values are the basis upon which any cleaning is performed. If all problems found in the unique values of any column are addressed, then the column is considered clean. Missing values are a unique value, but require filling methods or the rows containing them need to be dropped. There is no universal solution, when it comes to dealing with missing values.

For most other problems where more than a reassignment of the dtype of the values in the column is needed, regular expressions are used to create patterns to surgically remove the problems, while preserving the valid parts of the data.
After using regular expressions to extract, substitute, remove or reorder parts of the cell content, and with the correct substitutions where needed, values in that specific column are in the format they should be in. At this point, the correct dtype can be assigned to all rows in the column without raising any errors during the reassignment.
The reassignment might not be possible without raising errors, if missing values are present. In this case, the missing values need to be addressed, prior to reassigning the dtypes.

for i in ["auxiliary_costs", "total_rent"]:
    j = df[i].unique()
    print(f"\nUnique values in {i}:\n\n{j}")
Unique values in auxiliary_costs:

['  190,84  ' '  117,95  ' '  249,83  ' ... '  89,59  ' '  197,96  '
 '  59,93  ']

Unique values in total_rent:

[' 541,06  ' ' 559,05  ' ' 839,01  ' ... ' 1.189,24  ' ' 382,73  '
 ' 499,91  ']

The cleaning steps turned all non-missing values into floating point numbers with no errors being raised during the conversion. We still want to validate, that the values in both columns only contain digits and optionally a . as decimal separator, followed by nothing else than 2 digits at the end of each value.

Detailed Cleaning Steps For Total Rent And Auxiliary Costs

Next up is the actual cleaning procedure for columns auxiliary_costs and total_rent. The problem with these variables is that it is unknown, which of the following optional variables, the ones inside [] are factored in at all or to what degree:

\[\mathrm{total\,\, rent} = \mathrm{base \,\,rent} + \mathrm{auxiliary \,\,costs} + [\mathrm{heating \,\,costs} + \mathrm{X}]\]

\(\mathrm{X}\) stands for several costs that might or might not be factored in. These variables will likely not make it to the machine learning stage, since there is a high chance that they are correlated with the dependent variable base_rent. For now, we shall simply be efficient in cleaning them and further structured exploration will tell how to proceed with these two variables.

Cleaning Steps

The cleaning steps are illustrated by the example of total_rent. The steps apply to the auxiliary_costs column as well, see the code below. We start by looking at its value counts, to get an idea of what regex pattern are needed to transform it into a column that has dtype float. The rows that need most cleaning are ones, with entries like this: 1.050 (zzgl. Heizkosten). Things that need attention are:

df = (
                column_name="auxiliary_costs", string_function="lstrip", to_strip=r"[^\d]+"
                column_name="auxiliary_costs", string_function="rstrip", to_strip=r"[^\d]+"
                column_name="total_rent", string_function="lstrip", to_strip=r"[^\d]+"
                column_name="total_rent", string_function="rstrip", to_strip=r"[^\d]+"
                column_name="auxiliary_costs", string_function="replace", pat=",", repl="."
                column_name="total_rent", string_function="replace", pat=",", repl="."
                column_name="auxiliary_costs", dtype="float64", ignore_exception=False
                column_name="total_rent", dtype="float64", ignore_exception=False

Dealing With Newly Created Missing Values

The cleaning process introduced around 200 missing values in the auxiliary_costs column that were not recognized as such by pandas, prior to cleaning.

False    12121
True       203
Name: auxiliary_costs, dtype: int64

We test, what value these new NaN values had before the cleaning step, by extracting the index given by df['auxiliary_costs].isna(). This index contains the numbers in this set: \(\{0,1\}\).

y = df['auxiliary_costs'].isna().tolist()

We get confirmation that there were missing values in the auxiliary_costs column before cleaning. We only found these by going through the list of unique values in that column earlier. After the removal of any alphabetic characters in the column, value ‘keine Angabe’ was replaced with NaN by pandas. As mentioned earlier, we do not drop the rows with missing date for now.

160 keine Angabe
657 keine Angabe
766 keine Angabe
788 keine Angabe
905 keine Angabe
... ...
12112 keine Angabe
12120 keine Angabe
12164 keine Angabe
12171 keine Angabe
12174 keine Angabe

203 rows × 1 columns

Still no NaN values in column total_rent after cleaning.

False    12324
Name: total_rent, dtype: int64

Total Rent Post Cleaning Validation

The conversion of total_rent to float gave no errors. The column is converted into a list and all values pass the validation. That means they only contain digits before a period (.), followed by exactly 2 digits after the period before the end of the string. Regex syntax for checking that only the end of string follows what is matched by the pattern is \Z, in the case of the re module: r'some_pattern\Z'. Similarly for making a pattern start matching whatever comes at the very beginning of a string, using the re module, \A is used , like so: r'\Asome_pattern'.

bb = [
        for x in df.total_rent.unique().tolist()
        if not re.match(r"\A\d+\.\d{1,2}\Z", str(x))

We validate the non-missing data in auxiliary_costs with a regex pattern.

Validation of values is done by checking the format of all entries in the df['auxiliary_costs'] column that are not np.nan values. All rows with valid data pass the validation.

                        for cc in pd.Series(df["auxiliary_costs"].dropna())
                        if not re.match(r"\A\d+[.]?\d+?\Z", str(cc))
        )  # no matches
ll = [
        for cc in pd.Series(df["auxiliary_costs"].dropna())
        if not re.match(r"\A\d+[.]?\d*?\Z", str(cc))
        ]  # no matches

Mastery in Pandas: In-Depth Data Exploration, Part 1
PyJanitor Proficiency: Efficient String Data Cleaning, Part 2
Geospatial Engineering in Pandas: Creating Valid GPS Columns, Part 3
Advanced Data Cleaning and Validation: Batch Processing with Pandas, Part 4